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Tästä voit löytää vastaukset tavallisimpiin Biopixiä koskeviin kysymyksiin. Jos et löydä haluamaasi vastausta, lähetä meille sähköpostilla kysymyksesi. Luemme mielellämme englantia tai skandinaavisia kieliä, mutta ymmärrämme myös jonkin verran saksaa ja ranskaa.
Questions about species, seeds, cultivation etc.We can not directly help to identify species, answer questions etc. We are not experts in all of the biological groups, and we mainly concentrate on taking photos.
Free use of photosWe can in some cases support non-commercial projects with a reduced price. Please contact the photographer of the photos if you have inquiries.
Byline, acknowledgment, photo creditNormally the photos are credited with © Biopix [photographer], like e.g. © Biopix JC Schou. In the Lightbox there is a table column with Bylines for the individual photos, like e.g.
here. If the photos are published online, a link may also be useful for your users, e.g. to our zoom page for the individual photo, like